S O U T H  A F R I C A N  P R O D U C T I O N S


Directed by Mzonke Maloney

Carbon Films

"PICK N PAY" christmas

Directed by Talya Galasko

Sketchbook studios

GLO "battle of the year"

Directed by Kim Geldenhuys


CASTLE LITE "unlock summer"

Directed by Mzonke Maloney

Carbon Films

KFC "feel the heat"

Directed  by Robin Goode

Figment Films


Directed by Tebza

Star Films


Directed by Tebza

Star Films

HALLS "Barber"

Directed by Tristan Holmes

Star Films

Savanna" impossible bar brawl

Direct by Rob Smith

Production Co. Carbon films

WigWam Reel_Multichoice - Final MIX - SEPT 2015.mov

Multichoice "Firsts"

Directed by Greg Rom

Production co. Gentlemen Films

Production Design by Michael Linders and wendy Fredriksson

*please note that this in no way is meant as an advertisement for Mulitchoice, but rather a showreel piece for the artists who created the commercial

WigWam Reel_Sanlam Genius.mp4

Sanlam "Genius"

Directed by Robin Goode

Production Co. Figment Films

Production Design by Michael Linders and wendy Fredriksson

WigWam Reel_Bolt Speed.mp4

Telkom "Bolt Speed"

Directed by Robin Goode

Production Co. Figment Films


Mosi Beer "Thunder"

Directed by Robin Goode

Production Co. Figment Films

Production Design by Michael Linders and wendy Fredriksson

WigWam Reel_Hunters Xtreme.mp4

Hunters Extreme 

Directed by Lebogang Rasethaba

Production Co. Egg Films

Click here for a look at the design process

Production Design by Michael Linders and wendy Fredriksson

WigWam Reel_Castle Lite.mp4

Castle Lite "Extra Cold"

Directed by Lebogang Rasethaba

Production Co. Egg Films

Click here for a look at the design process

Production Design by Michael Linders and wendy Fredriksson